Monitoring Service

Nanyabura delivers the highest standards of monitoring by combining the most advanced global monitoring technology with a team of highly specialised professionals. Following an indication of any monitored irregularity, our systems, technology, and response teams aim to take immediate action to mitigate the risk to your assets.

We are one of the industry-leading monitoring services providing experience team to safeguard the assets and homes throughout Australia. Our Monitoring offers bespoke reporting solutions to ensure we provide accountability and transparency of service. Utilising a secure online portal clients can access reports and account information through their unique user ID.

Our virtual alarm is scheduled into our monitoring system, the automated virtual patrol service alerts our Monitoring Service Offers to complete a controlled virtual tour of a nominated building, area, or precinct via the existing site CCTV infrastructure. Our virtual patrol services are carried out via a full interface between the platform and our monitoring automation.

We use the virtual alarm response is implemented following an alarm activation alert received by our monitoring facility. A Monitoring Services Officer then assumes control of the site CCTV infrastructure to verify the event and activated the required course of action. We provide monitoring of security alarms, personal emergency/duress alarms, plant/equipment alarms, fire alarms, and hold-up alarms for defined premises.

At Nanyabura services, we offer an extensive range of security products and monitoring services all over Australia. From 24-hours security monitoring to alarm systems, we have the products plus the services to back them. We cover all bases when it comes to your home and business security requirements.